About Us

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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Saturday, January 1

This is a cookie

Yes indeed it is a cookie. It is the flavour of chocolate chip and from the looks of the cookie I'd say it would be a fairly delicious cookie because that is how it looks to me. Now that we have established that this is a cookie and I now have a urge to go and bake and eat cookies we shall get started.

Are you a ninja or a pirate? I don't know what I am because well they are both awesome. Also dragons are awesome, dragons are my favourie mythical creatures followed by phoenixs. Speaking of birds I don't like magpies, they swoop, a lot. Magpies are scary. Who's excited about Pokemon Black and White? I am. Also I am fairly excited about Sunday because I can sleep. Well technically I can sleep now because there is nothing stopping me, I just choose not to. If Im still awake me and my sister are going to watch the sun rise which shall be cool. It was hot today, well during the day it cooled down for the evening which was nice. I've rambled a little bit and I think I shall leave it at that. 2 more things I won't be doing my post next weekend because I shall be at Kangaoo Island, which as you've guessed is an island but it isn't shaped like a kangaroo so I"m sure one of the other guys will do a post for the weekend if not oh well. Also Happy New Year from all of us.



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