About Us

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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Wednesday, December 29


Hi all!

So I was contemplating in my infinite wisdom what to post for this post today, and I have decided to post several things in this post that are all equally random and each shall get it's own little title.

Top 5 christmas presents this year (from family only)
Nintendo DSi
Tea for one set
Front and back pants (don't worry if you don't know what those are, I wouldn't if I didn't own them)
A torch that sits on your EAR!
A tray for cooking dutch pancakes (aka poffertjes - probably spelt wrong)

A movie that was probably conceived while the writer was high
Imagine it "haha, the window on that car looks like ey-- WAIT A MINUTE!"

Gen 5 pokemon I am most looking forward to catching
Kirikizan, a dark and steel type, I am very much hoping they will release a psychic and steel type with a human like stance so I can have a set of Kirikizan, the psych and steel one and Lucario...

Coolest video game character and why
Kirby. He's like everyman from simpsons, except he destroys the thing he's getting his powers from as well, making him infinitely more epic.

I think that's enough for today, perhaps I shall do something like this in the future, we shall see, til then...


Wednesday, December 22


Hi all!

So I get to do the last post before christmas (because technically at the earliest ayame's post will be DURING christmas) so... yay!
Christmas shall be awesome, why? Because I said so, and, well, it's christmas!!!
But first I get to travel in a car for 4 hours! YAAAYYYYY!!!!
Why are you travelling in a car for 4 hours? Because I'm going to Whyalla!!!
Why are you going to Whyalla? Because my family lives there.
Wait-- where are you going? Whyalla! It's here:
It's a little hard to see... but you get the idea (I hope). It's a long way away.
Why are you going to see you family instead of the other way around? Because every year one couple in my family hosts christmas dinner, this year just happens to be hosted by part of my family that lives in Whyalla! It's just how it goes.
Why are you so excited about this? BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS THE AWESOME!!! To quote my Auntie "We're one of those weird families that actually enjoy spending time with our family!"
Hope that gives you an idea of how we roll.

So on behalf of the entire Madubachi Trio (+1) I wish everyone a very merry christmas!! Hope everyone gets and gives lots!
Why aren't you wishing us a happy new year? Becuase there will be other posts in between now and then in which that can be done!



OLA Amigos

Seeing as Shigure has not yet posted for today and i wasn't home yesterday i figured i would do a post now before i leave again :D Just by the way mini nerd feast was amazing we started watching Baccano an awesumnew anime that AR introduced us to it is about immortals and mafia but since i have watched barely any and AR has he should probally explain it but it is very grusome and funny and i like ferroh though i don't know how to spell his name and he has a green suit !!!!!! ALSO I WOULD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT AN AMAZING TV SERIES CALLED DEXTER. DEXTER A SERIEL KILLER WHO KILLS SERIAL KILLERS.(shigure dont kill me for my spelling) there fore its awesum :) i just finished season 5 and it was so good but the ending was sad but still its amazing :) ok ill stop rambling now

RAWR ya next time :D


Sunday, December 19

Not much rambling


I'm slightly busy at the moment so I won't ramble forever. Tomorrow is 1/2 Nerd Fest, yay! 1/2 Nerd Fest is as the name impiles half of a nerd fest. It won't go for as long as a normal nerd fest and is slightly less awesome, it's still awesome just not as awesome as a nerd fest. Also because it's christmas next weekend I'm doing my post for next week on Friday.

Until next Friday



(See told you I'd keep it short, hardly any rambling)

Wednesday, December 15

I can't believe this date falls on a Wednesday

And you don't need to know why.
But it has nothing to do with the fact that it's ONE OF MY BEST FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy birthday Cassandra! See you on Saturday! (and I mean that, it actually is a completely different reason)

Anyway, I magically have an actual blog planned, so yeah. First thing I'm gonna do is high-jack cracked.com's layout (kinda) and show you 3 cartoon characters that I think are nothing (or almost) like the animals they're supposed to be.

#3 Roadrunner
Okay, so I assume we're all familiar with the cartoon character
 This freaking awesome guy can run faster than a plane (maybe, almost) but can't fly because he sucks. He also makes that signature beep beep noise that we all know and love. What's not to love about this guy? Only problem is that an actual roadrunner looks like this:

now I know, it kinda looks the same if you imagine that bird taller and blue, which is why this is number 3 and not 1. The problem is that that's it. It does run pretty fast, at 32km/h, but that's about the same as an ostrich and they're closer to the height of roadrunner anyway. Also, that awesome beep beep noise? In real life there are 2 species of roadrunner, the greater and the lesser (creative naming) and each makes a distinctly different sound. One makes a coo coo sound, much like a dove, and the other one... well let's just say it could be likened to the sound of a hyperactive woodpecker. Also, I've never seen one of these actually run so fast their legs turn in to circles. Just saying.

#2 Sonic the Hedgehog
The famous 'hedgehog' has been a favourite for generations

and why not? He runs like hell, he can kill people with no actual force as long as he's curled up in a ball, and he wears shoes.
But this is the animal this awesome guy is based on:

Wow. Look at that thing staring me down. It could totally take me out right now if it curls into a ball. Except it wouldn't do that, because curling into a ball is a hedgehogs last line of defence, their primary source of protection? Running away. And not at an overly impressive pace, either. Their second choice in terms of methods of defence is to ram into their predator, like full on headbutt. That's awesome, but if Sonic did that, he'd just lose all his coins or die, very unlike his sturdy counterpart.

#1 The Tasmanian Devil
Holy crap this guy is awesome

look at him, he's vicous, powerful and can somehow turn the lower half of his body into a tornado. But I don't think the Warner Bros. Ever actually went to Tasmania because this is what an actual Tasmanian devil looks like:

Yeah. Yeah. YEAH. That defiantely looks different than the cartoon, hell, the only part they got right was the vicious part, because the real devil's have one hell of a bite. But seriously, where's the standing on two legs? The making random babbling noises? WHERE IS THE TORNADO LEGS??? This is by far the biggest dissapointment in cartoon history. But hey, it sells.
I must make a side note that even though I think these characters are so dissimilar from their animals, I still like them, they is the awesome.

Now that that's over, I'm gonna rant about stuff that means absolutely nothing.
I am a battologist, for those that don't know, it means I am a collector of trivia, e.g, did you know that a collector of trivia is called a battologist? Yeah, now you do.
Anyway, one of my favourites, namely because I seem to remember it so easily, is that a starfish can regrow any of it's five limbs as long as the central body is unharmed.
I was pondering this over boredom the other night when I thought to myself "why?"
I mean, it's not exactly an abnormality, porcupines can regrow their spines after lodging them in unsuspecting cowboys (but echidnas and hedgehogs can't, because they SUCK) and sharks can regrow their teeth as many times as they want, so they can go nuts on candyfish and coffeefish and not have to worry about dissapointing the dentist.
But why does a starfish need to be able to regrow it's limbs? What comes up and takes a starfish's limbs without eating the central part? Or is it like gheckos where if a starfish gets scared, it loses it's limbs so it becomes a blob that doesn't look anything like an animal to predators? What evolutionary advantage is there to being able to lose your limbs when you're usually so small a shark could breath you in and not notice? I see no point!

Anyway, I think I'm done for today.

Tuesday, December 14


Hey Peoples
Im sorry i almost completely forgot bout my post but i have 40 mins to spare til tommorow so win for me, but you guys better feel special cause im missing the last 10 mins of pokemon which is depressing but ill live cause i missed the first 20 mins so yea. im not going to ramble on about things etc because i is tired and sick so i am deeply sorry BUT AT LEAST I POSTED :D ok nite for nows sorry again for not posting must and no im not Ayame.. hehe

RAWR ya next time!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 11

I'm Back


Yes that's right I'm back. Sorry for missing my post last week but my internet has been stupid over the past few weeks and is deciding to randomly drop out whenever it feels like it.

Anyways, this week I thought I would tell you my favourite characters from a various amount of things that I like.

Who loves pokemon? I do. The games are better than the anime series because the anime hasn't really been the same since Misty left, and the amount of pokemon that their are now is a bit ridiculous. I mean come one, 649. When will it stop?
My favourite pokemon from the first gen is Marowak. For starters it has a bone that it uses as a club, that's pretty damn awesome. Also during my battle against Red in Soul Silver my level 66 Marowak was able to beat his level 88 Pikachu in one hit with Bonemerang. I like Marowak a lot.
My favourite from second gen is Umbreon but since that's Hatori's favourite and she might get slightly annoyed so instead I'll pick Crobat since that's my second favourite. Despite the fact that Zubat is one of the most annoying Pokemon in the game and Golbat sucks, Crobat has always been one of my favourites. I always have one in my team when I'm playing though the storyline.
My 3rd Gen favourite is Blaziken. Blaziken is amazing, when I played Sapphire for the first time I picked Torchic. Sadly, since the fourth gen was created Infernape dominates Blaziken when it comes to overall stats but I still love it.
The 4th gen is interesting. I'd say my favourite would have to be, well I don't really have a favourite. Obviously Lucario and Luxray are amazing but I can't decide.
That's enough about Pokemon... for this week.

I'm not going to ramble on as much about Mario as I did with Pokemon. My favourite character would have to be Shy Guy. Shy Guy's are awesome. See hardly any rambling.

Playing Sonic on the Sega was and still is great fun. The new games kind of suck, but I've heard good things about Sonic Colours so perhaps Sonic can redeem itself.
My favourite character is Tails. He's a fox, that can fly...with his tail. That's epic.

Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z
Okay, I'm going to try to keep this one shortish. Despite the fact that he is dead for half of the series my favourite Dragon Ball character is Krillin because he's awesome. My favourite DBZ character is Gohan until season 7, when he's 18 he just isn't the same. From season 7 onwards my favourite character is Goten because he's just as clueless and adorable as Goku from Dragon Ball.

Beyblade was one of my favourite things to watch when I was younger and still is now. My favourite character is Kai because he's awesome. Yes, I have noticed that the reasoning for my favourite things are because they are awesome, but in my opinion they are awesome, so what more do you want?

I've rambled on enough for this week.
In case you haven't noticed when I like things I call them awesome because awesome is an awesome word.



Thursday, December 9



So the situation with the computer was interesting:
We attached a new monitor and it still didn't work, so we worked out it was either the graphics card or the cord. Like geniuses we started the computer to find that the DOS screen was working, but everything after that wasn't, which obviously meant that it was the graphics card, for those not following.
So we replaced the car (I got to do the grunt work) tested it on the screen that was set to 800x600 screen resolution which looked really weird but sorta cool with windows 7.
It worked perfectly so we thought "yay we can have our old monitor back!!!"
yeah... no... the monitor was dead as well so i'm currently on the same computer, but a different monitor, and it's enough to drive me crazy because it's so old that it's in my face or through the wall, but i'm managing.

Just thought it was worth mentioning.
And let this serve as a warning: during lightning storms, remember to switch everything off.


Wednesday, December 8


Hi all

Holy crap it's raining. I seriously cannot believe it, and we had lightning last night! YAAAAYYYYY lightning is fun.
Now may be a good time to point out that TMT+1 lives in Adelaide, and it is currently summer here, which means that there should be next to no rain, let alone a whole friggin' storm!!!
I was gonna upload a video of me and my sisters epic trip to explore the aftermath of the mighty rain (we live in an urban area so there isn't much dirt to soak up the nommy water, so we get minor floods) but I recorded it on my phone and unfortunately I am unable to find the cord to connect my phone to my computer atm.
Speaking of which, I'm not on the computer I normally am right now because the lightning KILLED MY MONITOR. It will switch itself off a whole 5 seconds after you switch it on. It is actually dead.

Oh, and last post I mentioned about Ranger: Guardian Signs. Well I'm PISSED OFF AT IT! I've filled my browser (ranger equivalent of a pokedex) and completed every quest, so there's supposed to be one last mission that I can get lugia in, but I can't get it!!!
My only theory is that I have to complete the past missions (Celebi takes you back in time for these) but they're designed for multiplayer which brings about 2 problems:
1) They're extremely difficult with one player, I've tried
2) I don't know ANYONE who also has ranger GS, so I can't get help.
This all adds up to one very annoyed ranger!!

I think that is all I need to say


p.s. I think AR should make some more comics now.
NOTE: We replaced the monitor on my computer and it still doesn't work. I think it's the cord but my dad thinks it's the graphics card. More updates shall come.

Tuesday, December 7


By the way i am megaly sorry for not posting in ages as ive had exams and so many exams and been very busy, but im writing now even though my awesome ranga friend is over so u betta feel loved. FOR AMAZING NEWS ALL FOURE MEMBERS OF THE BLOG HAVE MET NOW ISNT THAT EXITING NEWS. we all met over the weekend for a amazing water camp. BTW im sorry im saying amazing heaps but im lisening to Jyst the way you are by Bruno Mars so yea... Did iu know mafia is a amzing game and that today i bought a thing to ice cupcakes so expect pokemon cup cakes in the future :) o and for an awesum update is we have all see the new harry potter so a review for tht should be coming up by one of the other 3 and we have also began planning next nerd fest :D so be excited for another giant post between all of us :) its apparently at my place as Ayame canceled on us and shes not allowed to say sorry for it :)

Rawr ya next time,

Thursday, December 2

I have an excuse!

Evening all!

Yes, it's Thursday. As of today every one of us has missed a post. BUT! I shall explain myself.
I had volleyball training on Wednesday morning as usual, but what was unusual was that I didn't go home. That's right, I slept over a friends house last night. and saw harry potter. 7. part 1. for the second time. it was amazing.

Anywho, since I wasn't home it didn't really cross my mind to do my post because I was doing stuff with people and playing and generally being weird and awesome, which is vastly different to when i'm at home on the computer and playing and generally being weird and awesome. Also, even if I did remember it would be kinda weird to just say to my friend "Oh btw, can I just like, steal your laptop for a few minutes? I have to write nerdy stuffs on the internets."

In other news I got pokemon ranger guardian signs on Monday... and beat the main story line within 24 hours of gameplay. Because i'm that good. However, I'm thinking of restarting because I was not aware that you can only ride on latios if you're a guy and girls get latias. I like latios better, and would actually restart the whole game for him.
The game really isn't that hard. In the entire time I played my styler never ran out of energy, it's too easy to not die. Honestly I found the hardest part was choosing which pokemon to get rid of when I needed one with a certain field assist.

So I don't know if it's just because I have a knack for pokemon related stuff or if nintendo got bored or if the actually tried and genuinely failed. Either way, I get to ride on a freaking Raikou.
Makes it all worthwile, really.

That is all.
