About Us

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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Wednesday, December 8


Hi all

Holy crap it's raining. I seriously cannot believe it, and we had lightning last night! YAAAAYYYYY lightning is fun.
Now may be a good time to point out that TMT+1 lives in Adelaide, and it is currently summer here, which means that there should be next to no rain, let alone a whole friggin' storm!!!
I was gonna upload a video of me and my sisters epic trip to explore the aftermath of the mighty rain (we live in an urban area so there isn't much dirt to soak up the nommy water, so we get minor floods) but I recorded it on my phone and unfortunately I am unable to find the cord to connect my phone to my computer atm.
Speaking of which, I'm not on the computer I normally am right now because the lightning KILLED MY MONITOR. It will switch itself off a whole 5 seconds after you switch it on. It is actually dead.

Oh, and last post I mentioned about Ranger: Guardian Signs. Well I'm PISSED OFF AT IT! I've filled my browser (ranger equivalent of a pokedex) and completed every quest, so there's supposed to be one last mission that I can get lugia in, but I can't get it!!!
My only theory is that I have to complete the past missions (Celebi takes you back in time for these) but they're designed for multiplayer which brings about 2 problems:
1) They're extremely difficult with one player, I've tried
2) I don't know ANYONE who also has ranger GS, so I can't get help.
This all adds up to one very annoyed ranger!!

I think that is all I need to say


p.s. I think AR should make some more comics now.
NOTE: We replaced the monitor on my computer and it still doesn't work. I think it's the cord but my dad thinks it's the graphics card. More updates shall come.

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