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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Saturday, December 11

I'm Back


Yes that's right I'm back. Sorry for missing my post last week but my internet has been stupid over the past few weeks and is deciding to randomly drop out whenever it feels like it.

Anyways, this week I thought I would tell you my favourite characters from a various amount of things that I like.

Who loves pokemon? I do. The games are better than the anime series because the anime hasn't really been the same since Misty left, and the amount of pokemon that their are now is a bit ridiculous. I mean come one, 649. When will it stop?
My favourite pokemon from the first gen is Marowak. For starters it has a bone that it uses as a club, that's pretty damn awesome. Also during my battle against Red in Soul Silver my level 66 Marowak was able to beat his level 88 Pikachu in one hit with Bonemerang. I like Marowak a lot.
My favourite from second gen is Umbreon but since that's Hatori's favourite and she might get slightly annoyed so instead I'll pick Crobat since that's my second favourite. Despite the fact that Zubat is one of the most annoying Pokemon in the game and Golbat sucks, Crobat has always been one of my favourites. I always have one in my team when I'm playing though the storyline.
My 3rd Gen favourite is Blaziken. Blaziken is amazing, when I played Sapphire for the first time I picked Torchic. Sadly, since the fourth gen was created Infernape dominates Blaziken when it comes to overall stats but I still love it.
The 4th gen is interesting. I'd say my favourite would have to be, well I don't really have a favourite. Obviously Lucario and Luxray are amazing but I can't decide.
That's enough about Pokemon... for this week.

I'm not going to ramble on as much about Mario as I did with Pokemon. My favourite character would have to be Shy Guy. Shy Guy's are awesome. See hardly any rambling.

Playing Sonic on the Sega was and still is great fun. The new games kind of suck, but I've heard good things about Sonic Colours so perhaps Sonic can redeem itself.
My favourite character is Tails. He's a fox, that can fly...with his tail. That's epic.

Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z
Okay, I'm going to try to keep this one shortish. Despite the fact that he is dead for half of the series my favourite Dragon Ball character is Krillin because he's awesome. My favourite DBZ character is Gohan until season 7, when he's 18 he just isn't the same. From season 7 onwards my favourite character is Goten because he's just as clueless and adorable as Goku from Dragon Ball.

Beyblade was one of my favourite things to watch when I was younger and still is now. My favourite character is Kai because he's awesome. Yes, I have noticed that the reasoning for my favourite things are because they are awesome, but in my opinion they are awesome, so what more do you want?

I've rambled on enough for this week.
In case you haven't noticed when I like things I call them awesome because awesome is an awesome word.



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