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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Wednesday, December 15

I can't believe this date falls on a Wednesday

And you don't need to know why.
But it has nothing to do with the fact that it's ONE OF MY BEST FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy birthday Cassandra! See you on Saturday! (and I mean that, it actually is a completely different reason)

Anyway, I magically have an actual blog planned, so yeah. First thing I'm gonna do is high-jack cracked.com's layout (kinda) and show you 3 cartoon characters that I think are nothing (or almost) like the animals they're supposed to be.

#3 Roadrunner
Okay, so I assume we're all familiar with the cartoon character
 This freaking awesome guy can run faster than a plane (maybe, almost) but can't fly because he sucks. He also makes that signature beep beep noise that we all know and love. What's not to love about this guy? Only problem is that an actual roadrunner looks like this:

now I know, it kinda looks the same if you imagine that bird taller and blue, which is why this is number 3 and not 1. The problem is that that's it. It does run pretty fast, at 32km/h, but that's about the same as an ostrich and they're closer to the height of roadrunner anyway. Also, that awesome beep beep noise? In real life there are 2 species of roadrunner, the greater and the lesser (creative naming) and each makes a distinctly different sound. One makes a coo coo sound, much like a dove, and the other one... well let's just say it could be likened to the sound of a hyperactive woodpecker. Also, I've never seen one of these actually run so fast their legs turn in to circles. Just saying.

#2 Sonic the Hedgehog
The famous 'hedgehog' has been a favourite for generations

and why not? He runs like hell, he can kill people with no actual force as long as he's curled up in a ball, and he wears shoes.
But this is the animal this awesome guy is based on:

Wow. Look at that thing staring me down. It could totally take me out right now if it curls into a ball. Except it wouldn't do that, because curling into a ball is a hedgehogs last line of defence, their primary source of protection? Running away. And not at an overly impressive pace, either. Their second choice in terms of methods of defence is to ram into their predator, like full on headbutt. That's awesome, but if Sonic did that, he'd just lose all his coins or die, very unlike his sturdy counterpart.

#1 The Tasmanian Devil
Holy crap this guy is awesome

look at him, he's vicous, powerful and can somehow turn the lower half of his body into a tornado. But I don't think the Warner Bros. Ever actually went to Tasmania because this is what an actual Tasmanian devil looks like:

Yeah. Yeah. YEAH. That defiantely looks different than the cartoon, hell, the only part they got right was the vicious part, because the real devil's have one hell of a bite. But seriously, where's the standing on two legs? The making random babbling noises? WHERE IS THE TORNADO LEGS??? This is by far the biggest dissapointment in cartoon history. But hey, it sells.
I must make a side note that even though I think these characters are so dissimilar from their animals, I still like them, they is the awesome.

Now that that's over, I'm gonna rant about stuff that means absolutely nothing.
I am a battologist, for those that don't know, it means I am a collector of trivia, e.g, did you know that a collector of trivia is called a battologist? Yeah, now you do.
Anyway, one of my favourites, namely because I seem to remember it so easily, is that a starfish can regrow any of it's five limbs as long as the central body is unharmed.
I was pondering this over boredom the other night when I thought to myself "why?"
I mean, it's not exactly an abnormality, porcupines can regrow their spines after lodging them in unsuspecting cowboys (but echidnas and hedgehogs can't, because they SUCK) and sharks can regrow their teeth as many times as they want, so they can go nuts on candyfish and coffeefish and not have to worry about dissapointing the dentist.
But why does a starfish need to be able to regrow it's limbs? What comes up and takes a starfish's limbs without eating the central part? Or is it like gheckos where if a starfish gets scared, it loses it's limbs so it becomes a blob that doesn't look anything like an animal to predators? What evolutionary advantage is there to being able to lose your limbs when you're usually so small a shark could breath you in and not notice? I see no point!

Anyway, I think I'm done for today.

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