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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Tuesday, October 5



I was thinking about things to write about today and decided to share some insightful quotes said by my favourite nerd in the world - John Green.
For those who don't know, John Green is an author as well as being 1 half of a youtube sensation called 'vlogbrothers' (originally Brotherhood 2.0) He's written several but equally amazing books and has one a few awards in his career.
You can watch him on youtube here
He also produces some wise words on occasion, and I've decided to share a few

"When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail." (from looking for alaska)
"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."
"What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person."  (from paper towns)
"We can’t know better until knowing better is useless." (from looking for alaska)
"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"(from an abundance of katherine's)
"…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness’."
 "That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of taste."(from paper towns)
"We all matter - maybe less then a lot but always more than none." 
"You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot. " (from will grayson, will grayson)
"We are engaged here in the most important pusuit in history. The search for meaning. What is What is the nature of being a person? What is the best way to go about being a person?How did we come to be, and wha will become of us when we are no longer? In short: What are the rules this game, and how might we best play it?"  (from looking for alaska)
 "What the hell is instant? Nothing is instant. Instant rice takes five minutes, instant pudding an hour. I doubt that an instant of blinding pain feels particularly instantaneous."(from looking for alaska)
"Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting." 

So there you have it, some of my favourite quotes from John Green. He's got a lot more good ones, but these top the lot.
That's all I have for now


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