About Us

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We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.

Saturday, October 30

You Just Lost The Game

Greetings, it is I,
Yes that is right you lost mwhahahaha
Well possibly at the end of next month we may be having a Nerd Fest, you are most likely asking yourself what is strange event that they keep mentioning? You will find out it due time you must have patience. During Nerd Fest the posts will work slighty differently. I believe that my post shall be moved to Friday and then during the course of Nerd Fest the three of us will each do a post or a joint post. I am unsure I will disscuss this more with them when I next see them.

Anyways I to have the same problem of not much happening at the moment so I shall ramble because rambling is always fun and I tend to do it a lot, See i'm doing it right now. You know what I really dislike at the moment, those times where I feel like a girl. Yes that's right, we are girls. However, as you may have already guessed the three of use aren't really 'girly' girls, but I hate those moments where something or someone makes me feel like a 'girl' it is annoying.

I believe that it is almost time for bed, technically at this currnet time that I am writing this post it is not yet the weekend as it is 11:55pm on Friday, but by the time I have finished rambling it should be Saturday. I don't understand why it is so hard to fall asleep, I understand that when you are in a quiet and peaceful environment the voice in your head tends to think a lot more, but still I believe the voice of the mind should have a off switch.

The way some of the things work in this world is very confusing.

I believe I have confused you enough for this week and as is it now Saturday I may post this post.


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