So it has been a whole three days since we started this blog.
We now have a definite order of posting, Hatori will do Tuesdays, I will post on Wednesdays and Ayame will weekends. Also one of my friends (who shall be known as Atrec Randier - he writes the 'so bad it's funny' web comic called base2, link at the bottom of the page) will post every now and then, basically whenever I decide to let him.
Having said that, since Hatori and Ayame are busy these holidays, the posting will continue in this format until we get back to school, and I will post the first post of the new format - which will be the 13th of October (Australian time, so 12th for America) unlucky? Maybe. I don't think so.
Oh, and now may be a good time to point out that I made the banner and I realise it's terrible, I'm going to do a photo shoot some time soon with Ayame and Hatori and I'll fix it up after.
Well, it appears that I have nothing left to say for today, so I'll try to continue this daily posting for a while, but no guarantees.
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