Greetings, it is I,
Yes that is right you lost mwhahahaha
Well possibly at the end of next month we may be having a Nerd Fest, you are most likely asking yourself what is strange event that they keep mentioning? You will find out it due time you must have patience. During Nerd Fest the posts will work slighty differently. I believe that my post shall be moved to Friday and then during the course of Nerd Fest the three of us will each do a post or a joint post. I am unsure I will disscuss this more with them when I next see them.
Anyways I to have the same problem of not much happening at the moment so I shall ramble because rambling is always fun and I tend to do it a lot, See i'm doing it right now. You know what I really dislike at the moment, those times where I feel like a girl. Yes that's right, we are girls. However, as you may have already guessed the three of use aren't really 'girly' girls, but I hate those moments where something or someone makes me feel like a 'girl' it is annoying.
I believe that it is almost time for bed, technically at this currnet time that I am writing this post it is not yet the weekend as it is 11:55pm on Friday, but by the time I have finished rambling it should be Saturday. I don't understand why it is so hard to fall asleep, I understand that when you are in a quiet and peaceful environment the voice in your head tends to think a lot more, but still I believe the voice of the mind should have a off switch.
The way some of the things work in this world is very confusing.
I believe I have confused you enough for this week and as is it now Saturday I may post this post.
About Us

- The Mabudachi Trio
- We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.
Saturday, October 30
Wednesday, October 27
Hi all
I don't actually have much to talk about at the current point in time...
I got an award thingy today because I did this science competition thingy, I only got a credit though, nothing too fancy. However, I am happy about the fact that I did better that the average yr. 12 score, so that was cool.
My blogs will probably be boring for the next couple of weeks as I have exams, so I will try to focus on school until those are over, and probably fail, but hey. I only have 3 exams but I also have a major design task for which I have to plan and design a 10 page website... always fun.
Worst part? Harry potter comes out the week of exams D: but that cannot stop me! I will still go to see that movie on opening night!!! No exceptions!
Anyways, that's all I really have to say for now... soo...
I don't actually have much to talk about at the current point in time...
I got an award thingy today because I did this science competition thingy, I only got a credit though, nothing too fancy. However, I am happy about the fact that I did better that the average yr. 12 score, so that was cool.
My blogs will probably be boring for the next couple of weeks as I have exams, so I will try to focus on school until those are over, and probably fail, but hey. I only have 3 exams but I also have a major design task for which I have to plan and design a 10 page website... always fun.
Worst part? Harry potter comes out the week of exams D: but that cannot stop me! I will still go to see that movie on opening night!!! No exceptions!
Anyways, that's all I really have to say for now... soo...
Tuesday, October 26
Some Om nom Secrets About Us
I am Hatori, the third member of the Mabudachi Trio,(even though im always in the middle eg height age and nearly everything else) my apologies for not posting last week my internet hates me even though that is impossible and i sound like i can't use computers that is very untrue i can it's just i live in a old house with evil walls that forbid wireless in my room even the phone fails in here. Unlike the other two i have no amazing special anime knowledge but i am slowly getting better with there help. Okies heres my first hidden secret about us Ayame (possibly im not entirely sure) and me haven't read fruit basket in which our name comes from though im pretty sure we are both begining to read it but like i sed Ayame may have already read most of it and i can be completely wrong. Just by the way my blogs will easily get off topic.Our second secret i am sharing come with a story one lovely day where the sun was actually shining in Adelaide Shigure and i were sitting eating lunch waiting for Ayame to join us instead she goes and sits with other people after Shigure and i were to lazy to go drag her to us we sent a messenger to get her to come to us when that fail we attempted teleconisis (ignore my spelling errors) to our surprse it worked and she got up and came to us :D from that day on it was called 'Super Nerd Psychic Waves' The last secret for the night will be that we have discovered Ayame secret mating ritual as i shall not yet tell you what it is i shall say something that will completely change the topic Ayame has stolen my favourite Harry Potter book but its all rite because even though i know a lot about harry potter and i do enjoy it i have become less intereasted but I AM STILL SEEING THE NEXT MOVIE AS IT IS A TRADITON AND IS STILL EPICALLY AWESUME. A a awesum update we are planning our exclusive nerd fest 2.0 hopefully it is on a weekend do i claim dibbs on our blog update to you guys on it or maybe we may have a joint blog on a Sat night and move Ayame's blog that week. o well another discussion to be had hopefully this nerd fest we shall play dungeons and dragons as last time we got distracted and started talking about IQ tests and ghosts and how (secret no 4) Shigure can see and talk to ghost. Okies my blog seems long enough for now
Guess What!!!!?
Next Tuesday you get to read me go on about crap again YAYS
RAWR ya next time,
Ps omg i actually bothered with some full stops thts AMAZING
I am Hatori, the third member of the Mabudachi Trio,(even though im always in the middle eg height age and nearly everything else) my apologies for not posting last week my internet hates me even though that is impossible and i sound like i can't use computers that is very untrue i can it's just i live in a old house with evil walls that forbid wireless in my room even the phone fails in here. Unlike the other two i have no amazing special anime knowledge but i am slowly getting better with there help. Okies heres my first hidden secret about us Ayame (possibly im not entirely sure) and me haven't read fruit basket in which our name comes from though im pretty sure we are both begining to read it but like i sed Ayame may have already read most of it and i can be completely wrong. Just by the way my blogs will easily get off topic.Our second secret i am sharing come with a story one lovely day where the sun was actually shining in Adelaide Shigure and i were sitting eating lunch waiting for Ayame to join us instead she goes and sits with other people after Shigure and i were to lazy to go drag her to us we sent a messenger to get her to come to us when that fail we attempted teleconisis (ignore my spelling errors) to our surprse it worked and she got up and came to us :D from that day on it was called 'Super Nerd Psychic Waves' The last secret for the night will be that we have discovered Ayame secret mating ritual as i shall not yet tell you what it is i shall say something that will completely change the topic Ayame has stolen my favourite Harry Potter book but its all rite because even though i know a lot about harry potter and i do enjoy it i have become less intereasted but I AM STILL SEEING THE NEXT MOVIE AS IT IS A TRADITON AND IS STILL EPICALLY AWESUME. A a awesum update we are planning our exclusive nerd fest 2.0 hopefully it is on a weekend do i claim dibbs on our blog update to you guys on it or maybe we may have a joint blog on a Sat night and move Ayame's blog that week. o well another discussion to be had hopefully this nerd fest we shall play dungeons and dragons as last time we got distracted and started talking about IQ tests and ghosts and how (secret no 4) Shigure can see and talk to ghost. Okies my blog seems long enough for now
Guess What!!!!?
Next Tuesday you get to read me go on about crap again YAYS
RAWR ya next time,
Ps omg i actually bothered with some full stops thts AMAZING
Saturday, October 23
Sadly we must be Sirius...only for a bit though
Greetings fellow humanoids
Once again it's that time of the week, before I begin this post (I know I've already begun, but technicality is not the issue here) I wish to say a few things. First off all Shigures phone was returned safely and unharmed. Secondly (time to get serious guys) if you are a fan of the worst thing ever created, please get help. Twlight is crap and there are people out their that can help you poor souls understand this. I'm asking you guys please get help before it's to late. Finally I know my spelling, grammar and punctuation suck you do not need to inform me of this.
Now for the post. I declare this week more exciting than the last week because it's a week closer until the new Harry Potter comes out. Yay! It's so exciting :D Harry Potter is amazing. It took me 4 days to read all 7 books. Sadly Shigure is once again more knowlegdable when it comes to Harry Potter. I am not entirely sure if Hatori knows more than me I guess we'll have to find out. Prisoner of Azkabam is my favourite book and movie, and I prefer the books to the movies, as amazing as the movies are nothing can compare to the epicness of the Harry Potter books. Also Fable 3 comes out this week, Yay. It's going to be awesome. So I'd say that this week is definatly a lot more exciting than the last.
That's all for now.
Once again it's that time of the week, before I begin this post (I know I've already begun, but technicality is not the issue here) I wish to say a few things. First off all Shigures phone was returned safely and unharmed. Secondly (time to get serious guys) if you are a fan of the worst thing ever created, please get help. Twlight is crap and there are people out their that can help you poor souls understand this. I'm asking you guys please get help before it's to late. Finally I know my spelling, grammar and punctuation suck you do not need to inform me of this.
Now for the post. I declare this week more exciting than the last week because it's a week closer until the new Harry Potter comes out. Yay! It's so exciting :D Harry Potter is amazing. It took me 4 days to read all 7 books. Sadly Shigure is once again more knowlegdable when it comes to Harry Potter. I am not entirely sure if Hatori knows more than me I guess we'll have to find out. Prisoner of Azkabam is my favourite book and movie, and I prefer the books to the movies, as amazing as the movies are nothing can compare to the epicness of the Harry Potter books. Also Fable 3 comes out this week, Yay. It's going to be awesome. So I'd say that this week is definatly a lot more exciting than the last.
That's all for now.
Wednesday, October 20
Yes. That is a word (pronounced gar-gah-jar-gun, emphasis on the gar). It is the word I scream when something annoying has happened/is going to happen/is happening.
There are several things currently annoying me.
One is that I am currently lacking a mobile phone. Why? Because Ayame accidentally stole it. Joyous, right? At a party last Saturday I had no pockets, so I gave my phone to the always-trustworthy Ayame, as she always has ample amounts of pockets. The problem was that Ayame left before me, and as she was leaving neither of us noticed she still had my phone because she was making sure she had all her stuff, and I was engrossed in jurassic park pinball.
And as a side note, I have an alarm set for 6:30 on wednesday mornings for training, and it woke her up this morning... hehehe
I shall get my phone back tomorrow night when I see Ayame again.
The second thing that is annoying me is the fact that I am sick. Which is always a delight. I have hay fever as well as a cold. And a sore throat. So I'm feeling rather crap lately.
I'm also annoyed because it's getting to the end of school which means work, work and more work. I only have just over 5 weeks to go, and so much to do in that time, I just want to get to the holidays where we can have nerd-fest galore (oh yeah, we haven't told you about them yet... soon, be patient) and beaches and christmas and new years and shin-digs and camp. Dammit.
Oh, and you have to excuse Hatori for missing her post. I don't think it was her fault, she was working on it last night but it never got posted, so I firmly believe her internet is to blame as it is crap.
That is all.
Saturday, October 16
Are you excited?
Well isn't this exciting? I'm excited, are you? If you aren't you should be. You wanna know why? Of course you do, it's exciting because this is my first real post. Yay! Excited yet, you better be. Now you all know about how exciting this is I shall tell you a bit about myself.
I am the youngest member of our three personed trio and as Shigure said in an earlier post I am the brawn when it comes to our pokemon skills. The first pokemon game I played was my brother's copy of Pokemon Yellow, sadly the first game I owned wasn't until the 3rd generation had been created, but still Pokemon Sapphire is amazing. I like manga, but I prefer anime. It is awesome. I could talk about my obbession with anime all day, but I'm going to keep my first post short and simple.
I guess that is all I have to say for now.
I am the youngest member of our three personed trio and as Shigure said in an earlier post I am the brawn when it comes to our pokemon skills. The first pokemon game I played was my brother's copy of Pokemon Yellow, sadly the first game I owned wasn't until the 3rd generation had been created, but still Pokemon Sapphire is amazing. I like manga, but I prefer anime. It is awesome. I could talk about my obbession with anime all day, but I'm going to keep my first post short and simple.
I guess that is all I have to say for now.
Wednesday, October 13
Lets get started
It's been almost three weeks since we our first post, and it's finally time to get to the good stuff.
So I happen to be a bit of a manga-nerd. For anyone else who is you probably know that due to licensing a whole lot of online sites have restricted which mangas they allow you to read, which has been a big problem for a lot of their frequent readers, myself included in some.
So for my first blog I'm gonna review the two sites that I personally recommend and then list some stats for the others.
This site is clearly set out, from the home page you have a list of the newest manga chapters, reviews and anime videos. It's also got a well set out navigation bar at the side that doesn't cause any confusion through titles like some sites have done in the past. Also, like any half decent manga site, it's got a drop down list on the side to quickly jump to your favourite mangas. It's rather unique in that it opens your manga in a new tab/window when you start reading, allowing you to continue reading comments, reviews or watching videos while you have your manga open (of course you can do this on other sites, this just does it automatically). The main critisism I have to the layout is there is no login/sign up form until you go to the message board, which can be confusing and off-putting to some users.
This site contains 134 mangas total, 1 of which is an amateur manga, which the site supports and even has a form to submit your own manga. The sites content has many well known and popular titles including
- Naruto
- Bleach
- One Piece
- Fruits Basket
- Inuyasha
and also some less known ones that attract readers.
So overall, this site has a mostly simple layout and is yet to yield to licensing, still offering access to a decent numebr of popular manga series.
2. Mangafox
The site is one of the easiest to naviagate. The search bar is used to quickly find your manga, displaying results as a drop down list that refines as you type more characters with a quick link to that manga. There's also an advanced search option, where you can find mangas that are korean or japanese, by certain authors, genre, year it was released, rating and whether it is completed or not, which is a very useful tool for discovering new mangas that you probably would never have found otherwise. The very top bar contains the login and register options, which stay there whichever page you're on, making it much easier to find when you want it. Of course there are forums, but as well as the main forum page each manga series has discussion on it's page to easily find relevant conversations. And one handy feature that this site showcases is bookmarking. When you have to step away from the computer, you simply hit the little bookmark button you find at the corner of the page and then when you come back you can go to your bookmarks and pick up where you left off easily.
This site contains a large amount of manga, 6,764 mangas total. Although this large number is good, you cannot read all of the mangas. When licensing came in, the site decided not to delete licensed mangas and simply block them, which means they still appear on the directory, but once you click on it you scroll down and wind up dissapointed. You can't read bleach OR inuyasha on their site, and their most popular manga is History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Maybe that manga is popular, but I haven't heard of it, and it's certainly not mainstream where I come from.
This site provides what I believe is the most efficient reading on the internet, with a large number of avaliable mangas, despite some being listed but unavaliable which I think is just evil.
Other stats
Manga reader
Number of manga: 1462
Top manga: Princess Resurrection
Most unique feature: Interesting layout
Manga volume
Number of manga: 1054
Top manga: Air Gear
Most unique feature: Search by genre on home page
Manga toshokan
Number of manga: 1029
Top manga: Freezing
Most unique feature: Bookmarks
Manga what?
Number of manga: 6167
Top manga: N/A site doesn't rank
Most unique feature: A freakin' epic banner!
So there you go, two must-see manga sites, and 4 that would also be worth checking out. I'll see you all next wednesday.
Friday, October 8
So I forgot to post yesterday...
I was kinda busy, but the point is, I'm here now!
It has become apparent there is not much to talk about right now.
But I'm going to take this oppertunity to warn you I may become less frequent between now and my first 'real' post, because I have heaps of stuff to do. Also, a reminder that the 'real' posting starts in less than a week!
I'm excited. Just saying.
So yeah, I'll attempt to post before then, but no promises.
Tuesday, October 5
I was thinking about things to write about today and decided to share some insightful quotes said by my favourite nerd in the world - John Green.
For those who don't know, John Green is an author as well as being 1 half of a youtube sensation called 'vlogbrothers' (originally Brotherhood 2.0) He's written several but equally amazing books and has one a few awards in his career.
You can watch him on youtube here
He also produces some wise words on occasion, and I've decided to share a few
"When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail." (from looking for alaska)
"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself."
"What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person." (from paper towns)
"We can’t know better until knowing better is useless." (from looking for alaska)
"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"(from an abundance of katherine's)
"…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness’."
"That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of taste."(from paper towns)
"We all matter - maybe less then a lot but always more than none."
"You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot. " (from will grayson, will grayson)
"We are engaged here in the most important pusuit in history. The search for meaning. What is What is the nature of being a person? What is the best way to go about being a person?How did we come to be, and wha will become of us when we are no longer? In short: What are the rules this game, and how might we best play it?" (from looking for alaska)
"What the hell is instant? Nothing is instant. Instant rice takes five minutes, instant pudding an hour. I doubt that an instant of blinding pain feels particularly instantaneous."(from looking for alaska)
"Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting."
So there you have it, some of my favourite quotes from John Green. He's got a lot more good ones, but these top the lot.
That's all I have for now
Monday, October 4
It's 9:30 and I only just realised that I hadn't posted yet today, despite having the page open for the last... 5 or so hours? I've been working all day, for the record, trying to copy a bunch of movies from one portable hard drive to the other, without doubling up (they both had over 400 movies to begin with)
Anyway, I couldn't think of anything useful to write about today, so I decided I am going to explain how I got into pokemon (which lead to most other anime/manga related obsessions)
The first time I ever saw a pokemon I was probably 4 or 5 in a park and happened to stumble upon a lost pokemon card (it was kabutops, in case you're wondering)
Confused, I asked my older brother about it as I believed whole-heartedly that he knew everything. Luckily for me, this time, he did.
He had apparently been introduced to pokemon before, and explained everything to me, and well, I thought it was pretty cool, but forgot about it soon after.
Then my brother got a gameboy colour (oh yeah) and one of the games he got was pokemon gold, and I started to take more notice of it (I worshipped my brother)
When we would go over to friends houses, he would play it with anyone who had a game as well, and I payed careful attention every time. Once my friend let me play yellow, it is to this day my favourite pokemon game.
A year or so later, I was stoked to unwrap a jetblack gameboy advance for my sixth birthday, followed by pokemon crystal, the first version where you could play as a girl.
So that may help to explain why I am the "intelligent" one when it comes to pokemon, I have been loyally studying it since before I owned a console to play it on.
And my obsession continued to grow, even after my brother stopped playing, and constantly told me how weird I was to keep playing, because my brother believes that the first 2 generations are the only ones that should count.
I now have a decent collection of pokemon games, both actual games and some on emulators, and I know more about pokemon than most people I know.
So yeah, that be my pokemon story
Sunday, October 3
For computer nerds
Check this out
I found this while browsing the internet, and thought it's the perfect thing if you're bored and need a laugh
It's a collection of stupid conversations or comments made about operating systems.
Everything you can think of from people thinking that Linux was created by the government so they can spy on you (NOT TRUE!!!) to people thinking it's okay to delete DOS because they don't use it (yeah... about that...)
If you know a thing or two about computers, then I think you should read this for a laugh.
Also: If at any point while reading this you think to yourself "I don't get what's funny about that" or "What's wrong with that, it was a reasonable comment/question" please never read this blog again.
That is all
Saturday, October 2
While we're here...
Since we aren't starting the official format of the blog for a week and a bit,
I thought I might use the time we have together to introduce the madubachi trio in more depth, little by little each day.
This is the description as written by Ayame of our status in regards to pokemon (which for some reason is generally associated with nerds, not that I'm complaining);
"The madubachi trio is 3 amazingly awesome people who go by the names of Hayley, Sam and Bex. [Shigure, Hatori and Ayame respectively - learn this well]
Hayley is the knowledgeable one when it comes to pokemon, she knows pretty much everything about it because she's cool like that, and she is awesome
Sam is well Sam when it comes to pokemon she knows a lot compared to other people who know nothing about pokemon but compared to Hayley and Bex she knows hardly anything for the time being and she too is awesome.
Bex is knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon but dosen't know as much as Hayley. However, she makes up for her lack of knowledge be being a super awesome pokemon battler compared to the other two, she as well as the others is awesome.
When the three are together it is almost impossible to withstand there awesomeness"
Hayley is the knowledgeable one when it comes to pokemon, she knows pretty much everything about it because she's cool like that, and she is awesome
Sam is well Sam when it comes to pokemon she knows a lot compared to other people who know nothing about pokemon but compared to Hayley and Bex she knows hardly anything for the time being and she too is awesome.
Bex is knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon but dosen't know as much as Hayley. However, she makes up for her lack of knowledge be being a super awesome pokemon battler compared to the other two, she as well as the others is awesome.
When the three are together it is almost impossible to withstand there awesomeness"
So basically...
when it comes to pokemon...
I am the brains
Ayame is the tough one
And Hatori is the enthusiast :p
More about us shall be revealed later.
Friday, October 1
Third day...
So it has been a whole three days since we started this blog.
We now have a definite order of posting, Hatori will do Tuesdays, I will post on Wednesdays and Ayame will weekends. Also one of my friends (who shall be known as Atrec Randier - he writes the 'so bad it's funny' web comic called base2, link at the bottom of the page) will post every now and then, basically whenever I decide to let him.
Having said that, since Hatori and Ayame are busy these holidays, the posting will continue in this format until we get back to school, and I will post the first post of the new format - which will be the 13th of October (Australian time, so 12th for America) unlucky? Maybe. I don't think so.
Oh, and now may be a good time to point out that I made the banner and I realise it's terrible, I'm going to do a photo shoot some time soon with Ayame and Hatori and I'll fix it up after.
Well, it appears that I have nothing left to say for today, so I'll try to continue this daily posting for a while, but no guarantees.
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