Hi, so it’s been a while since any of us have posted. My computer is well, dead but I’m getting a laptop in two weeks so I should be back to regular posting. I believe I finished Black/White 3rdout of the 4 of us I’m not sure who finished first out of Shigure and AR. Also I got my AVCON ticket today J so that’s exciting.
Today I thought I would ramble a bit about various ‘wars’ going on in the virtual world or just my opinion of stuff compared to other stuff.
Ninjas v Pirates
The ninja/ pirate war has been going on since before the beginning of time. I don’t have a side because in reality I’m not a ninja or a pirate but if I could be I don’t know what one I’d be because they’re both awesome.
Mario v Sonic
Both very popular video game characters, as a kid I never had a 64 I grew up with a Sega but I prefer Mario over Sonic because Sonics’ changed the games just aren’t the same. Sonic Unleased was crap but I’ve heard good things about Sonic Colours. However, almost all Mario games I’ve played have been amazing. My favourites would have to be Mario Kart, Mario Party and Super Paper Mario.
Dragon Age v Fable
Both awesome games, but Dragon Age wins, because as awesome as Fable is Fable 2 and 3 were disappointed. Dragon Age 1 and 2 have both been amazing. For starters the story line is a lot better (I know it was made for an older audience) and the final bosses were actually challenging. The Archedemon is a bitch to kill and I know Jack was but still you kill Lucian with one bullet and Walter was way too easy to kill. Plus the characters have a lot more detail (back story wise) I know this is probably because it was made for an older audience but hey Dragon Age wins.
Dubbed v Subbed
This all depends on what you watch the first time you see a series for example I cannot watch Pokemon, any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or any of the Dragon Ball series in Japanese because I grew up watching them in English. Whereas Death Note and Vampire Knight I can’t watch in English because I watched them in Japanese.
So yea that’s my ramble for now, I’ll be back in two weeks unless I can get on a computer before then.
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