Hey Guys!!
Amazing news, but first I would like to say I’m sorry for:
a) Not posting last week
b) And being late tonight (even possibly the next day). As I am at this moment hoping Shigure will send me the login details to our blog so at this very moment I am writing on word how very fun.
Ok, now for my amazing news. First of all I found Fruit Basket Manga on my awesome book site in the UK, that by the way has free postage, for only $10. And secondly my mother has agreed to buy it for. This is exciting news as I no longer have to spend half an hour loading the next page, when reading online. Anyway so if any of you guys want to check out this awesome site, like I said free postage and the books come really quickly and are most of the time cheaper then in stores here. It has all genres including MANGA, so yea here it is:
O Yea and another site that I think you guys should check out if you like to read or write is called Fan Fiction, my Awesome friend told me about it when she posted one of her stories on it after that I became obsessed and started reading other peoples stories. I myself have an account but I don’t write stories I’m an idea person not a put it on paper person. If any of you guys like to write stories I recommend posting them on here so you can get the chance to see what other people think of your stories.
This next link for fan fiction is for the fan written story sequels for Fruit Basket:
RAWR! Ya next time,
(PS: OMG my first serious post, that’s strange even though I’m meant to be the serious one hmmmm…….)
(PPS: I’m listening to my 2nd Favourite song, Snow (Hey Oh), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, which by the way goes perfectly with my favourite book, Tomorrow When the War Bega, John Marsden)
(PPPS: my Favourite Song is Slice of Heaven by Dave Dobbyn, which goes with the classic book, Lorna Doome)
(PPPPS: Success i got the login details!!!!!!!!!!!)
About Us

- The Mabudachi Trio
- We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.
yea forgat is one of my amasing words so get used to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!