Merry Sunday everyone,
I like christmas, do you like christmas? It isn't my favourite event of the year but it is still pretty damn awesome. As awesome as the christmas season is I am slightly annnoyed that shopping centers start playing christmas songs in November. I am getting a bit sick of hearing the same 5 tracks over and over again, but christmas is still awesome.
I sorry to start off with a complaint but at least I didn't apoligize in the title this time.
Last night I finally finished the main story off Fable III. Yay! It took ages because I had to fight for the Xbox with my brother, my sister and my dad. Sadly I am slighty dissapointed by how easy the final boss was to beat. The only Fable game where the final boss has been challenging in my opinion is Fable. The first game had a hard-ish final boss that could be easy or hard depending on what you spent your experience on. The final boss in Fable III was just easy. The game is still amazing and other parts in the game provided a challenge, so yea.
That is my post for the week. As you have seen the title has nothing to do with the post, I just wanted to inform you that I like cookies.
About Us

- The Mabudachi Trio
- We are the Mabudachi trio. We are three nerds who are dedicated and obsessed with learning and teaching everything there is to know about anime, manga, games, technology, and everything else nerdy. We call ourselves the mabudachi trio based on a manga called fruit basket. The three of us shall go by; Ayame (the snake), Hatori (the dragon) and and Shigure (the dog) We would love you to read our blogs to educate yourself on nerd news and to be entertained in a way that no one but nerds can offer.
Sunday, November 28
Friday, November 26
Post the First
So, this is my first time posting here, as should be evident. I am, in a fashion, the latter of the trio+1, despite only ever having met 2 of the 3. I also happen to be theartist creator of the crappy webcomic Base2. I figure I'll start out with something simple, with a bunch of recommendations from various aspects of our culture.
Webcomic: Homestuck
Essentially deriving it down to brass tacks, Homestuck is a story of a few kids who start to play a new game, one that is initially similar to the sims; one player acts as a server player, able to manipulate the house and environment of their client player. It soon takes it up to eleven, exploring great swathes of facets from internet relationships, both existing and new, to themes of birth and rebirth, coming of age and so forth. Of course all of this deeper meaning business is very easily overlooked what with all the weird plot and time stuff going on. Wait, did the frog-ghost-girl just inhabit that soulbot, rip her heart out and roboslap that guy before they embraced in a passionate kiss?
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
One of the most iconic shows of the mech-anime genre. Basically, a city is under attack by strange powerful beings called angels, and the only ones able to pilot the last remaining defense (mechs, of course) are 14 year olds with SERIOUS ISSUES. It starts out nice enough, comparatively speaking (the first episode ends with the protagonist's mech being mercilessly stabbed in the head multiple times, the pilot naturally being able to feel everything), but eventually you watch as the creator spirals down into the depths of depression. There is currently a series of movies underway, titled Evangelion Rebuild, that are in a sense a reconstruction of the original into beautiful effects. These are able to be watched without having seen the original, but I don't recommend it.
Game: Portal
Hey look, something that isn't about a bunch of young kids. The game is simple, short, and oh so sweet. You wake up in a testing facility, where an AI proceeds to guide you through an increasingly difficult series of portal based puzzles. Very simple concept: go in blue portal, come out orange. Go in orange, come out blue. It all may seem pointless, but you do get to have lots of fun, meet a really nice friend who loves you unconditionally from the very beginning, and there is the promise of cake at the end...
So I'm going to leave it at that for now, and probably leave another bunch of recommendations next time.
Yours rantingly,
So, this is my first time posting here, as should be evident. I am, in a fashion, the latter of the trio+1, despite only ever having met 2 of the 3. I also happen to be the
Webcomic: Homestuck
Essentially deriving it down to brass tacks, Homestuck is a story of a few kids who start to play a new game, one that is initially similar to the sims; one player acts as a server player, able to manipulate the house and environment of their client player. It soon takes it up to eleven, exploring great swathes of facets from internet relationships, both existing and new, to themes of birth and rebirth, coming of age and so forth. Of course all of this deeper meaning business is very easily overlooked what with all the weird plot and time stuff going on. Wait, did the frog-ghost-girl just inhabit that soulbot, rip her heart out and roboslap that guy before they embraced in a passionate kiss?
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
One of the most iconic shows of the mech-anime genre. Basically, a city is under attack by strange powerful beings called angels, and the only ones able to pilot the last remaining defense (mechs, of course) are 14 year olds with SERIOUS ISSUES. It starts out nice enough, comparatively speaking (the first episode ends with the protagonist's mech being mercilessly stabbed in the head multiple times, the pilot naturally being able to feel everything), but eventually you watch as the creator spirals down into the depths of depression. There is currently a series of movies underway, titled Evangelion Rebuild, that are in a sense a reconstruction of the original into beautiful effects. These are able to be watched without having seen the original, but I don't recommend it.
Game: Portal
Hey look, something that isn't about a bunch of young kids. The game is simple, short, and oh so sweet. You wake up in a testing facility, where an AI proceeds to guide you through an increasingly difficult series of portal based puzzles. Very simple concept: go in blue portal, come out orange. Go in orange, come out blue. It all may seem pointless, but you do get to have lots of fun, meet a really nice friend who loves you unconditionally from the very beginning, and there is the promise of cake at the end...
So I'm going to leave it at that for now, and probably leave another bunch of recommendations next time.
Yours rantingly,
Wednesday, November 24
Philosophy is just religion without a God.
That title has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about, but it's still true.
I'm going to talk about why I think exams.
This is why they suck:
First of all, when compared with actual assignments, they're not reallt worth that much. It's like we get a whole week of school dedicated to something that won't really change our grade that much anyway.
Also, what's the chance that on that particular day, at that particular time, for that particular subject you are at your peak? Not very likely. Even with and entire years warning, there's no way you can be at your best for your exams.
For a lot of people, the pressure gets to them. They stress in an exam and no matter how much they actually know, they can't remember it all. It'll show up that the exam has a much lower score than they could've achieved if they were told it was a practise test.
So overall exams are annoying and cause so many people so much stress.
But! Here's why you should still do them anyway:
- Because it's not our choice
- Because trying to change it would take too long and we would lose anyway
- Because there's no other way to make sure that no one helps you
- Because even if it's only a little, it still affects your grade
- Because universities look at exam results as well as your grade
- Because people who've been in education for eons have decided on it, I think they know what they're doing
- Because it's easier to take an exam than it is to change an entire schooling system
Oh, and bonus fact about me: The reason I have good grammar and spelling and punctuation is because my father worked at a newspaper as an editor (but not the editor) and I got in the habit of writing correctly because he used to point everything out on my work. In time I found myself looking for it before hand. This developed into a habit and so now I write correctly because I get annoyed with myself if I don't.
Anywho, I believe that is all I have to say... except...
Ok, now I'm done
Saturday, November 20
Once again another apology
As you have most likely guessed by the title I am apoligizing...again. You have guessed correctly. First and foremost my post last week most a fail as the link didn't work but you can always copy and paste the website or just google Fable III and I'm sure the website will appear. Also I am once again saying sorry for my horrible english skills as I have mentioned in an earlier post my spelling, grammar and punctuation suck.
This week I decided that I would give you a guide on how to look after a pet rock.
You are now the proud owner of your very own Pet Rock.
This is a guide to help you look after your new Pet Rock.
Rocks are very loyal and special creatures that need lots of love and attention.
Rocks have special dietary requirements so only the best of pet owners can look after it.
Rocks only eat one thing that is very hard to get, air.
Rocks live off air so make sure you give your rock plenty of air everyday.
Also Rocks have no need to relief themselves, isn’t that great?
They never have to go pee-pee or poo-poo.
That’s all you need to know about your new Pet Rock.
Just remember to look after it and treat it well and you guys will be the best of friends.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
To all those rock owners hope this helps
Wednesday, November 17
Life is swell
Good evening kiddlings
Today I had my last lesson for the year. That's right, I only have to live through 3 exams and then I have nothingness on til school starts next year, and I spend the first 3 days of that on retreat anyway.
Today I was reassured of my nerdy-ness. I attended a VET course this year in childcare, as a result I missed one lesson of chemistry every week. The past term has been spent mostly catching up work and doing tests I was away for. 3 weeks ago I realised that I would have to take a test on our final topic without having a single class lesson on it. Since I had other tests in between, I hadn't thought about it much, but last night I decided I should probably start learning. So my friends went over it with me yesterday after school and this morning in our study. It took a total of about 2 hours to teach me everything in the test and guess what? It was the easiest test I've done all year! I can't believe I ever stressed about it.
For those interested (and who understand what it is) the test was on redox and galvanic cells etc
In other news Harry Potter previews today in Adelaide. Sadly I will be unable to see it for a while as I have exams next week. However there was talk of plans for the madubachi trio to go see it sometime for Ayame's birthday however details are still to be confirmed.
I believe that is all I have to say for this week, I shall return in 7 days, by which time I will have completed 1, possibly 2 exams, depending on what time I write my blog. Until then!
Today I had my last lesson for the year. That's right, I only have to live through 3 exams and then I have nothingness on til school starts next year, and I spend the first 3 days of that on retreat anyway.
Today I was reassured of my nerdy-ness. I attended a VET course this year in childcare, as a result I missed one lesson of chemistry every week. The past term has been spent mostly catching up work and doing tests I was away for. 3 weeks ago I realised that I would have to take a test on our final topic without having a single class lesson on it. Since I had other tests in between, I hadn't thought about it much, but last night I decided I should probably start learning. So my friends went over it with me yesterday after school and this morning in our study. It took a total of about 2 hours to teach me everything in the test and guess what? It was the easiest test I've done all year! I can't believe I ever stressed about it.
For those interested (and who understand what it is) the test was on redox and galvanic cells etc
In other news Harry Potter previews today in Adelaide. Sadly I will be unable to see it for a while as I have exams next week. However there was talk of plans for the madubachi trio to go see it sometime for Ayame's birthday however details are still to be confirmed.
I believe that is all I have to say for this week, I shall return in 7 days, by which time I will have completed 1, possibly 2 exams, depending on what time I write my blog. Until then!
Monday, November 15
An Apology
Good Day fellow readers
I apoligize for missing my post this weekend but my computer died so I couldn't do it also I would like to apoligize for getting the name of the 2nd Nerd Fest wrong. I was under the impression that it was going to be called Nerd Fest 2.0 but after a group disscussion we decided on the name Nerd Fest 1.2.
I believe that is all I must apoligize for... for now.
Now for the real deal.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that one of the most amazing games in the world was coming out. Today I was finally able to play said game. Fable III is amazing!!!!!!!!!! It's so good, the graphics is amazing and the cutscenes are so realistic, also the hero actually talks. In the perivous Fable games all you have ever heard the hero say grunts whilst they have been in battle, now the hero actually talks.
Here's the website if you want to check out some screenshots from the game or watch the opening movie.
So yeah once again I'm sorry for being a day late and that is all for now
I apoligize for missing my post this weekend but my computer died so I couldn't do it also I would like to apoligize for getting the name of the 2nd Nerd Fest wrong. I was under the impression that it was going to be called Nerd Fest 2.0 but after a group disscussion we decided on the name Nerd Fest 1.2.
I believe that is all I must apoligize for... for now.
Now for the real deal.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that one of the most amazing games in the world was coming out. Today I was finally able to play said game. Fable III is amazing!!!!!!!!!! It's so good, the graphics is amazing and the cutscenes are so realistic, also the hero actually talks. In the perivous Fable games all you have ever heard the hero say grunts whilst they have been in battle, now the hero actually talks.
Here's the website if you want to check out some screenshots from the game or watch the opening movie.
So yeah once again I'm sorry for being a day late and that is all for now
Wednesday, November 10
Quick notice
I'm really stressed with schoolwork right now.
So i'm just writing this really quick, not-worth-reading blog
to let you know I'm not writing about anything interensting.
Have fun wasting time.
Tuesday, November 9
OMG i nearly forgat a title!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Guys!!
Amazing news, but first I would like to say I’m sorry for:
a) Not posting last week
b) And being late tonight (even possibly the next day). As I am at this moment hoping Shigure will send me the login details to our blog so at this very moment I am writing on word how very fun.
Ok, now for my amazing news. First of all I found Fruit Basket Manga on my awesome book site in the UK, that by the way has free postage, for only $10. And secondly my mother has agreed to buy it for. This is exciting news as I no longer have to spend half an hour loading the next page, when reading online. Anyway so if any of you guys want to check out this awesome site, like I said free postage and the books come really quickly and are most of the time cheaper then in stores here. It has all genres including MANGA, so yea here it is:
O Yea and another site that I think you guys should check out if you like to read or write is called Fan Fiction, my Awesome friend told me about it when she posted one of her stories on it after that I became obsessed and started reading other peoples stories. I myself have an account but I don’t write stories I’m an idea person not a put it on paper person. If any of you guys like to write stories I recommend posting them on here so you can get the chance to see what other people think of your stories.
This next link for fan fiction is for the fan written story sequels for Fruit Basket:
RAWR! Ya next time,
(PS: OMG my first serious post, that’s strange even though I’m meant to be the serious one hmmmm…….)
(PPS: I’m listening to my 2nd Favourite song, Snow (Hey Oh), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, which by the way goes perfectly with my favourite book, Tomorrow When the War Bega, John Marsden)
(PPPS: my Favourite Song is Slice of Heaven by Dave Dobbyn, which goes with the classic book, Lorna Doome)
(PPPPS: Success i got the login details!!!!!!!!!!!)
Amazing news, but first I would like to say I’m sorry for:
a) Not posting last week
b) And being late tonight (even possibly the next day). As I am at this moment hoping Shigure will send me the login details to our blog so at this very moment I am writing on word how very fun.
Ok, now for my amazing news. First of all I found Fruit Basket Manga on my awesome book site in the UK, that by the way has free postage, for only $10. And secondly my mother has agreed to buy it for. This is exciting news as I no longer have to spend half an hour loading the next page, when reading online. Anyway so if any of you guys want to check out this awesome site, like I said free postage and the books come really quickly and are most of the time cheaper then in stores here. It has all genres including MANGA, so yea here it is:
O Yea and another site that I think you guys should check out if you like to read or write is called Fan Fiction, my Awesome friend told me about it when she posted one of her stories on it after that I became obsessed and started reading other peoples stories. I myself have an account but I don’t write stories I’m an idea person not a put it on paper person. If any of you guys like to write stories I recommend posting them on here so you can get the chance to see what other people think of your stories.
This next link for fan fiction is for the fan written story sequels for Fruit Basket:
RAWR! Ya next time,
(PS: OMG my first serious post, that’s strange even though I’m meant to be the serious one hmmmm…….)
(PPS: I’m listening to my 2nd Favourite song, Snow (Hey Oh), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, which by the way goes perfectly with my favourite book, Tomorrow When the War Bega, John Marsden)
(PPPS: my Favourite Song is Slice of Heaven by Dave Dobbyn, which goes with the classic book, Lorna Doome)
(PPPPS: Success i got the login details!!!!!!!!!!!)
Saturday, November 6
NERD FEST 1.2!!!!
We are at nerdfest 1.2, which means this is the second nerdfest in our first year of nerdfest-ing.
om nom nom elite 4
What is a nerdfest you ask? We shall tell you. When you ask? now.
I like jellyfish
Nerd fest is an epic event of awesomeness, also I don't particularly like jellyfish. They hurt.
Basically we come together and do amazingly nerdy things that are awesome. Speaking of which, I got a shirt today that says "Nerds need love too" Which is of course entirely true.
Cat. I'm a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance.
So far we have played pokemon, and pokeathlon-ed. We have also played mario and sonic at the olympic games and harry potter scene it (we knew more than the game) and we have watched big bang theory, and i turned into a cat.
Did you know that today I discovered that the character Shigure in the anime/manga is a perv, and Ayame is borderline gay. And apparently I'm boring. Bahahaha! :D
We also redid our banner, didja see it? didja see it? It's amazing isn't it? What am I saying, of course it is. I took the photos and created it on photoshop, which was fun, because photoshop is always fun, or at least I think it is.
Yeah, so this post makes a whole lot of sense doesn't it? Ok, each piece by itself, yes, but as a whole... it's kinda all over the place. This is because when we are together we don't put as much effort into making sense simply because we don't need to. We get it, and that's all that matters.
On a serious note, umbreons are the most amazing things in the whole world. And luxray is a sexy beast. Plus I have found the most amazing song in the entire world called poison in my head, by powder finger.
I wanna be part of the epic discussion tooooo! Luxray is definitely a sexy beast, but another, equally epic pokemon is Lucario. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 And as for music. 3 People/Bands rule the Earth
That's easy! Since you can write in upside-down font, You need upside-down question marks to end your upside-down questions. And, when you think about it, we use an upside-down exclamation mark a lot, I've used it seven times in this sentence alone. That's right, the letter i is an upside-down exclamation mark! (i!)
It's fat, it's round, it's bounces of the ground, it's SNORLAX! On another note, did you know that chocolate milk is very addictive? I wanna write something serious... I love sirius black, he is awesomely awesome and killing him is the worst thing bellatrix could do, even though bellatrix is awesome. And has an epic name. It ends with an X for gods sake!
True, our blog is epic, and this post must eventually, inevitably end. Speaking of random topics, anyone ever think how cool stars are? I think they are, I also think I am only talking about it because it is 10:30 at night, and I tend to talk about random stuff around now.
I am very sleepy, therefore we must go, as all of us think prisoner of azkaban is our favourite harry potter movie, we shall go watch it under my demand. And we just had a massive discussion about the true nature of undead creatures of the night (eg non-twighlight-sparkly-gay vampires and werewolves).
It is sleepy time and we must... sleep...
So we bid you all
RAWR ya next time
and Hatori
...wait...wait...wait...wait...ah! Good day all.
We are at nerdfest 1.2, which means this is the second nerdfest in our first year of nerdfest-ing.
om nom nom elite 4
Yay! Nerd Fest
What is a nerdfest you ask? We shall tell you. When you ask? now.
I like jellyfish
Nerd fest is an epic event of awesomeness, also I don't particularly like jellyfish. They hurt.
Basically we come together and do amazingly nerdy things that are awesome. Speaking of which, I got a shirt today that says "Nerds need love too" Which is of course entirely true.
Cat. I'm a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance.
Yes you are a dancing cat, anyways we all get together and as well as amazingly nerdy things we also do pointless stuff, such as the blog.
So far we have played pokemon, and pokeathlon-ed. We have also played mario and sonic at the olympic games and harry potter scene it (we knew more than the game) and we have watched big bang theory, and i turned into a cat.
Did you know that today I discovered that the character Shigure in the anime/manga is a perv, and Ayame is borderline gay. And apparently I'm boring. Bahahaha! :D
Today I discovered how our names were decided. Apparently, Shigure dibbed being the dog and Hatori dibbed being the dragon (which is actually a seahorse) So I got left with snake, which is fine by me because it's awesome.
We also redid our banner, didja see it? didja see it? It's amazing isn't it? What am I saying, of course it is. I took the photos and created it on photoshop, which was fun, because photoshop is always fun, or at least I think it is.
I like bananas (NOT a sexual inuendo) Happy birthday to me on Monday :) ... ... ..back to you!
Yeah, so this post makes a whole lot of sense doesn't it? Ok, each piece by itself, yes, but as a whole... it's kinda all over the place. This is because when we are together we don't put as much effort into making sense simply because we don't need to. We get it, and that's all that matters.
On a serious note, umbreons are the most amazing things in the whole world. And luxray is a sexy beast. Plus I have found the most amazing song in the entire world called poison in my head, by powder finger.
If we're talking about epic songs, nothing can beat the awesomeness of.... ... The ORIGINAL pokemon theme tune. Also, Blaziken is amazing. And that is all until it's my turn again.
I wanna be part of the epic discussion tooooo! Luxray is definitely a sexy beast, but another, equally epic pokemon is Lucario. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 And as for music. 3 People/Bands rule the Earth
- Billy Joel
- Greenday (coincidentally led by Billy Joe)
- Hank Green XDD nerdfighters!!
Wow! I'm shocked! That is amazing! What is the point of an upside-down question mark¿
That's easy! Since you can write in upside-down font, You need upside-down question marks to end your upside-down questions. And, when you think about it, we use an upside-down exclamation mark a lot, I've used it seven times in this sentence alone. That's right, the letter i is an upside-down exclamation mark! (i!)
It's fat, it's round, it's bounces of the ground, it's SNORLAX! On another note, did you know that chocolate milk is very addictive? I wanna write something serious... I love sirius black, he is awesomely awesome and killing him is the worst thing bellatrix could do, even though bellatrix is awesome. And has an epic name. It ends with an X for gods sake!
Sadly this post is coming to an end since this post has wasted valuable minutes *poke* of your life. You sad, sad person, wasting time reading crap on the internet? There's only one thing sadder and that is writing... crap... on the.... internet... *cough cough* Nah, I'm only kidding, please read our blog, pleaaaassseeee. Our blog is epic.
True, our blog is epic, and this post must eventually, inevitably end. Speaking of random topics, anyone ever think how cool stars are? I think they are, I also think I am only talking about it because it is 10:30 at night, and I tend to talk about random stuff around now.
I am very sleepy, therefore we must go, as all of us think prisoner of azkaban is our favourite harry potter movie, we shall go watch it under my demand. And we just had a massive discussion about the true nature of undead creatures of the night (eg non-twighlight-sparkly-gay vampires and werewolves).
It is sleepy time and we must... sleep...
So we bid you all
RAWR ya next time
and Hatori
Friday, November 5
The Strange Sensation Known as Silece
Friday. Yes that is the day. My post is today because well it's Nerd Fest this weekend. Yay! Do not fret as there we still be a post this weekend so for now please enjoy Friday's post.
Today I would like to tell you about a peaceful thing known as silence. Pause your music, if your listening to any, stop talking if you are talking to anybody, and just listen.
Isn't it nice, silence. Something that I don't experience very often but when I do it is a nice feeling. Now you know about silence you may stop wasting seconds of your life and go back to whatever you were doing before you began reading this.
Until very soon my friends.
Today I would like to tell you about a peaceful thing known as silence. Pause your music, if your listening to any, stop talking if you are talking to anybody, and just listen.
Isn't it nice, silence. Something that I don't experience very often but when I do it is a nice feeling. Now you know about silence you may stop wasting seconds of your life and go back to whatever you were doing before you began reading this.
Until very soon my friends.
Wednesday, November 3
The stupidest story ever...
So have we all heard the story of the "time traveler"? No? Well here's a video explaining it, because I'm lazy
What you're looking at here is the old lady with her hand up to her face. Everyone is saying she's a time traveler and she's using a mobile phone. There are a lot of resons why this is not possible, and I'm gonna go through three of them.
1) How could she call anyone?
Mobile (cell) phones communicate by transmitting radio waves to and from towers (they are essentially radios). Now, there were radio towers at the time, the radio being invented a couple of decades before this movie, but people certainly hadn't figured out how to make a phone tap into those radio towers, or vica versa, so the lady wouldn't have been able to talk to anyone on a mobile phone if she was a time traveller.
2) She was probably just trying to hear someone.
There's this thing called an ear trumpet, I won't go into detail what it is, but it is essentially an old-fashioned hearing aid, and a lot of people with hearing trouble had one (in fact, you've probably seen one at some point without realising it was an actual thing)
It is highly likely that the woman was just carrying one of these around, slightly smaller to the one pictured as technology would've allowed them to shrink slightly.
3) Where are the rest of them?
If these woman was indeed a time traveller, surely she wasn't the only one? Why haven't we seen anyone walking around with weird, space-aged clothes or cruising around on their hoverboards?
Okay, maybe that was a bit over the top, but you get the idea, we would've noticed time travellers in the present if they did exist. And maybe you're thinking "most of them can go unnoticed, but this one made a mistake". The law of averages says that if time travel becomes common in the future, and even if it doesn't, this woman would not be the only one to get caught, the fact that we haven't suggests only one possibility. She. Is. Not. A. Time traveller. End of story.
Now that you've actually bothered reading this, please feel free to go to anyone you know that believes this and have some fun proving them wrong.
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